“KLAD” – Russian Series about Drugs, Darknet, Love for Sale and Sports


In a short time, Russian internet audience will be able to watch the new KLAD (“КЛАД”) series about drugs, darknet, sex for money and sports.

There is not much information, but the KLAD teaser is already available online. In these series, the main character becomes addicted to illegal substances and gets into the cycle of events. The teaser contains literally all episodes of the dark side of the life in Russia: promiscuous sex, synthetic drugs, gunfights and unpredictable meetings with police.

Creators of KLAD series are Rufat Yedayev, Mikhail Zharakhovich, Danil Aleev. Director is videomaker and artist David Bintsene. Producers are Polina Arustamova and Rufat Yedayev.

Ex-soloist of SEREBRO band and present member of FAVLAV, Polina Favorskaya, participated in the creation of the series. Beatmaker Highself was responsible for the music.


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