Sean Keane Visits Jump Street Podcast in Epsiode 32


Billy and Austin couldn’t lose their opportunity to talk to Sean Keane in the new Jump Street Podcast Episode 32 when he was visiting New-York. In this episode, Sean talks about himself, his friends, his life in Sacramento and answer viewers’ questions.

Interview exposes some of the details of his new VOD, which he works with Mike Torres on. The VOD will be filmed only on New-York’s spots. The video will become the longest for Sean. By the way, Mike Torres has already filmed one of the best VODs for Alex Broskow. It has been recently uploaded to the Them Skates youtube-channel.

Moreover, Sean Keane notes in the interview that besides to Collin Martin one of his favourite rollerbladers is Ilya Savosin.

By the way, Sean has got Japanese roots, but he hasn’t been to Japan yet. But he doesn’t exclude the possibility to visit the land of the rising sun one day.

How has the snowboarding influenced his skating? Why will Rollerblade stop producing Solo boots? And other details of Sean Keane’s life in the new Jump Street Podcast Episode 32.

Jump Street Podcast – is the collection of rollerblading interviews, which is released by Austin Paz and Billy O’Neill. Guys are New-Tork natives and host their podcats in his hometown.


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