One Day Graffiti Bombing with BEBAR in Paris


French graffiti writer BEBAR (NSK, WIB, MAC, TNG, BAD) bombs streets of Paris in daylight. His style in this video – flops, knife-shaped tags and blue faces with the yellow bitten tongue.

BEBAR started painting graffiti in 2009. He was taking a train and was intrigued with chrome graffiti by FIANE. At the same time, his 12-year old sister presented him with a set of cans. He documented himself and learned from books. He hadn’t got internet at that moment.

People in Paris don’t react to graffiti writing. Just watch and pass by.

For Bebar граффити is street-art and vandalism.

His favourite medium is skin. Body-art, tattoo, face-painting. Not easy surface. It breathes, it sweats. The tattoo is another domain. All in all, he likes to work with human skin.

Bebar has got a high level of can control. His lines are graceful and has got no drips, and his fills are thick.

Graffiti-scene is very active nowadays in Paris. Old-school and new school. Locals and foreigners.

Bebar painted abroad several times. Each time when he travels, he tries to paint. If Bebar can’t paint, he uses a sticker. Italy (Rome), Belgium, Switzerland, USA, Austria – countries which he has been to.

He has never got problems with the law and hopes that it won’t change.

His friends and family know what he does. They support him and tell him to continue. His mother and sister always were for his activity. This is enough.


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