All Sony Walkman Models for 40-Years History in 1 Minute


Sony released the video which shows all the models of Walkman portable music player produced for 40 years.

The first Sony Walkman player was released in Japan in 1979. It was called “Soundabout” in other countries. It used audio-cassette as a medium.

For the 40-years history, Sony Walkman has gone through a lot of changes and mediums. For this period of time, you’ve been able to hear the music from your pocket stored on audio-cassettes, CD-discs, MD-discs, harddrive and Sony Memory Stick cards.

Although Sony has lost the mass market, the players of the Japanese brand still remain the most favourite items of audiophiles.

The story ends with the release of Sony’s technological Hi-Res WM1Z Walkman player which costs $3200.


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